Thursday, 16 October 2014

Acta - Module 2 : Design a learning experirnce

e-Portfolio Entry 3 ( 5-12 jul)

One of the key theories learned and used in the crafting of the lesson plan was “Gagne's nine events of instruction”. Was great to have the practice of drafting a lesson plan using this theory in group, esp when it is grouping with the smart yet sweet ladies who were both excellence with the Gagne's theory, great hand-writing and bakes nice cookies/muffin as well.. thanks Joanne and Sulabha for the great time !!

A.Cognitive/affective and behavioural learning addressed;

The lesson plan allows mostly Cognitive Domain (thinking skill) of the learning objectives where “Knowledge, comprehension, application, Analysis, Synthesis and Evaluation” are present.

While some case-studies and game in the lesson plan allows some form of Affective Domain which allows “Receive – pay  attention to environment or surroundings ; Respond – actively participating to show new skill such as Questioning techniques; Value – to show some commitment such as getting supervisors to help follow up on some learned-skill.” 

B. SMART Learning Outcome

From the lesson plan, not all the learning outcomes meet  all of the SMART criteria, since some does not have the “measurable” or “time-bound” element.
Objective :

  1. Identify and describe the 4 factors influencing sales  - No “time-bound”
  2. Demonstrate use of the 3 basic questioning techniques – no “time bound”
  3. Joint visiting with a supervisor, demonstrate use of selling-structure on a selected customer within 4 weeks  - no “measurable”

C. 4-5 instructional methods were used in the lesson plan; these are :
  1. Mini-lecture with slides
  2. Case-studies
  3. Group-discussion
  4. Games
  5. Individuals questionnaire task
  6. Videos – this is also used in the lesson-plan as contextualization, since it can help those who are better at visual-imagery-learning those cognitive-type.

Lesson-plan is using Gagne's 9-event which allows learning-reviewing of topics covered.

D. Details instructions to facilitator in implementing lesson

Whole lesson plan is created to be around 5-6 hours, excluding breaks and lunch.
As much details were included in the lesson plan; by describing and also highlighting with color font on key actions. Clips of slides or pictures needed to be sketch on flip-chart are also included to help facilitation. Related topics and case-studies or games are highlighted with same colour tab (sheet in microsoft-excel) to indicate that they belong to same topics.

E. Principles of retention

Although not all the principles of retention are applied, some clear examples are evident in the attached event.

In the below portion of lesson plan, there is evident to show that  Adult-educator writes on flip-chart or white-board acronym to allow Visual-imagery. While asking the class to repeat the acronym (out loud, a few times) gives the learners opportunities to Rehearse. AE asking each learner to give one example to work hard on shows that there is meaningful learning being applied to help retention.

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